Vincent Malausa

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Vincent Malausa

Vincent Malausa

Press Jury 2016


Vincent Malausa

Born in 1976. Vincent Malausa, is critic for “Cahiers du cinema” since January 2001. He’s columnist on Le Plus Nouvel Obs, part of the weekly Le Nouvel Observateur. He also collaborates with different magazines like Panic, Jeune Afrique or La Revue pour l’intelligence du monde. During 8 years, he’s been responsible of cinema departure in monthly Chronicart (2003-2010). He wrote articles for two collective books: Jacques Rozier, le funambule (Editions de l’Etoile, 2001) and Politique des zombies, l’Amérique selon Romero (Ellipses, 2007). He interviewed many Korean directors, such as Hong Sang-soo and Bong Joon-ho.

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 +33(0)3 84 76 55 82
 25 rue Dr Doillon, 70000 VESOUL

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