Director: Jonas Scheu
Cinematographer: Catherine Georges
Editing: Clément Leyris
Sound: Slyne Thong, Lumh Mon, Mg Thar Nge
With: Ye Min Thu, Myint Myint Than, Myint Myint Khaine, U Win Naing, Lone Paei, Vénérable U Ku Mara
Master cinéma HES-SO ECAL/HEAD
Amrit Medias
Jonas Scheu
Les Douzilles 9, 1607 Les Thioleyres
Tel : +41 78 890 11 88
Year: 2017
DCP, Colour, 30 min,
OV Burmese with French Subtitles
French Premiere
In Ma Yan Chan, a district of Mandalay (Myanmar), the dockers always lived and worked in the whitish mist from the dusty banks of the river Irrawaddy. From morning to evening, the embankments for loading, the near-by shops, and the strangely shaped huts used as restaurants for workers are constantly busy and crowded. However, in a country facing mutations in economy and therefore in politics and society, they need to leave their traditional houses and live in new buildings. How will they manage to settle down there when their whole life used to be organized around their houses?
"It was a privilege to spend so much time with these kind and hardworking people. As a film-maker, I hope my film will not only account for their unique and lasting way of life at this very moment in history, but also pay a tribute to these people I have learnt to respect." Jonas Scheu